Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So Here We Are!

Well, it's time. Nov. 4th 2008 Election Day! Kids are off from school, many restaurants and chain food stores are offering free beverages and meals. Starbucks is offering a free cup of coffee (12oz) to anyone who says "I voted". Even if you don't drink coffee, give it to a homeless man or woman and say "here, I voted".
Never before has there been such electricity in the air over an election! O.k. there has been, but I'm talking about right here right now. This is something that will be analyzed and used as historical reference for years to come.
Some say neither candidate is worth their weight in Oreos, but I say nay. "NAY!" This is a turning point in our country's history. It also has a ripple effect with our public relations around the globe.
We need reform, and optimism! Is it going to be difficult for our new President to "change" things, or to put our "country first"? Hell yeah it is, but something is happening, right now! With a thought, and a flick of a switch (o.k. maybe a few switches...)
Then there are the idiots. I was just informed that students from the University of Chicago are being advised to stay in doors specifically if Obama does not win. The University is located near a not so safe area, and the city of Chicago wants nothing bad to happen.
Are you f-ing kidding me? Are you guys animals are what? Only lions and elephants (I'm not saying monkeys, I'm not an asshole) would run rampant in the state of anger and disappointment. That is exactly what the right-siders will point at if things don't go Obama's way. I will never understand that type of behavior! Ever!
I am sorry for Sen. Obama as his grandmother did die recently and will miss this exciting moment her grandson has brought about.
If you haven't yet, do not forget to vote, it's important that you do, even though I think there is always some under handed scheme going on if things are not in favor of a certain party's objective.
So, here we are people. At the edge of the volcano. So much on the line, so much excitement to witness. The air is thick with moca-latayes.....and a fever is air born. It makes your heart pump, and your palms sweat. It's what hopes and dreams are made of. It is an election you WILL be discussing with your grand children.
No matter the outcome, the story is a great one! Of a great country, with great people!
Hopefully with a great future!!!!!!
Be well, and be a part of it!

Oh and Zack and Miri make a Porno was hysterical!!!!

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