The follow through in life may be as technically challenging as the one in golf. Things change and you can either change with them or bring on your own. The individuals I know would rather be the change they want to see in the world, but usually follow anyway; me too.
I become so inspired by what's happening in the world, even-though things are dangerously close to the edge. It's always darkest before the dawn...right? We must walk through the darkness to emerge in the basking sunshine as the hero...right?
How is it in 2008 that not only are we facing World War three with a possible depression following? What have we learned from the past? Nothing I assume. Kennedy was wrong, it is what our government should do for us. We are the spine of this beast, and we cannot live for very long if crippled. There is no accountability and the problems have been piling up for the past 50 years.
I am not a political analyst, and I'll never profess to having all the facts, nor any answers. I am a concerned American that is (like everyone else) living through a very dark time in our history. After the Great depression, both World Wars, Vietnam, Korea, assassinations (attempted and completed), corporation scandals, and 9/11. What the hell is going on?
If you haven't seen the new Palin interview with Katie Couric (it aired 9/29), as McCain sits close by to extinguish any shady journalism (gotcha!). It's the greatest mockery of what this country is supposed to be. I'm not attacking the right by any means, there is just no way I want these imbeciles running my country. That's right, I pay my taxes, so this country is mine! Every American should feel this way, and there should be a full renewal of our power as voters. You can defend the right side all you want. The left is no pot of gold, but at least for right now there's consistency. I respect McCain for what he's accomplished and survived, he is an American symbol of strength. But he chose Palin, and she is a complete idiot. The only positive about Palin is that her face got Tina Fey back on the openings of Saturday Night Live (you tube them, she's fantastic).
That is where we are. We are waiting to go into those voting booths and make something happen. I'm not an idealist, I used to be, and I'm worn thin. I'm a realist, and maybe an optimist when I need something to believe in (I hate it that I'm referring to a Poison song, but so be it).
There are bad things on both sides as in any election of almost any election year (still being diplomatic). Right now, at this moment we need a path. If our new president is to wear the label "leader of the free world" let's make sure it fits well.
If there are (I'm sure there are) those who have Obama's race as an issue, you're just dumb. It's not an issue. Or at the very least it shouldn't be. Open your eyes and just see beneath the surface. Don't take the easy way out. Don't take offense, just take note.
Yes, Clinton made mistakes, and Bush senior made mistakes, and Bush Jr. is a douche bag, but the truth is any person who is "elected" (what happened in Florida???) may not be 100% perfect, but I think it's time to think about our families. It's time to think about living and prospering. Think about, just tomorrow. It's the tomorrow's I am concerned about, I'll survive today. I'll take 80% right now, heck I'll take 50%. But we should expect nothing less that 110%!
It's funny, I was going to express my thoughts on individual freedom. The art of "just being" is sometimes lost in our quick paced society. Then it hit me. We are not free. We pay for everything we have in this country, and if you think differently, go and speak freely about things you cannot tolerate. If you're too specific, they'll come to check you out.
I love where I live, and I know the U.S. is not a perfect place, but we are on the verge of drowning. This is NOT a perfect place. But perfection is an abstract term, created by a flawed being. It's all subjective.
Chris Rock said on his latest HBO special, (paraphrasing) "you have to be pretty bad if you make people vote for a black guy!" And also, "I'm not voting for the guy who got caught, I'm voting for the guy who got away!" Pretty funny and pretty hard core. That's where we are. It's the follow through. It's the freedom of being... American. I'm not sure what that means anymore.
I'm still waiting for Jim Henson to pop up from underneath Palin, and all of us breathing a sigh of relief. But that isn't happening.
Do I hate McCain? No, I do not. I think his unpredictability was a good thing, it would have kept us on our toes, he was a maverick. Did he choose poorly in Palin? Absolutely. She is his biggest failure.
Oh and by the way, "I am Iron man!"
(Out today on DvD and Blue-ray, get your copy now!) :)
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