Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The most wonderful cool thing happened today. I met Richard Williams, the animator and designer of Roger Rabbit (and many other amazing doodles). He gave a lecture promoting animation and a masters class on DvD that everyone in any field should purchase and examine.
He was personable and dynamic and right down to earth with his explanations and stories forging his way through animation and art. He was an artist first and then became an animator. He is obsessed with this medium even after being in the industry for over 40 years. With two Oscars for Roger Rabbit alone and an entire industry bowing down before him, he spoke to us (and the entire staff at Blue Sky studios) as though he were a loving Father or Uncle.
I haven't been this inspired in a log time! I love my wife and my family with my entire heart, yet, as a creative obsessed creative, I long for that passion. The passion that keeps you up to four in the morning. The passion that wakes you right up at six the next day. The passion that has you walking with fire in your step. The passion that moves you.
Ask yourself right now; what moves you? What makes you grin and giggle? What does it for you?
If it's x-rated keep it private please, and if it hurts you or others, then seek help and a religion of your choice. If in fact, it uplifts you, and brings you to another level, a better level, then you should be doing it right now. Even if you just pick up a magazine, book or DvD about it. Engross yourself in it. There is no such thing as "I can't", or "I don't have the money", or "he won't let me do that", or "she won't let me do that".
It's your life. There are no dress rehearsals. It's all you baby!
Richard Williams said "it's all random". His life was/ is guided by his passion. The occurrences are random, but the focus and the fun are true! Point your sword and feel it! Ride the wave! Jump the curb! Skip home today, who cares!!!???

Please, for the love of you! Go and be, do, see or find what it is you love, and...
do it!

Love ya (really),

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