Friday, October 31, 2008

Greetings All

I'm aware that recently I blogged about Barack Obama, and a colleague said, "you spelled Barack wrong". I told him no, I didn't. Because I spell his name with power...with strength. If the "c" is added then his name is not memorable. The B-a-r-a-k as I spell it, makes you remember him. It's how I interpret his name, and the vibe I get. I'm kidding I really thought it was spelled without a "c". But the man does inspire me.
Say it with me people, BARAK Obama! I believe in him. He believes in us. At least that is what I like to believe. Inspiration goes a long way.
This country was created by a group of people inspired by a notion that "the people" can live free. A place where the people have a say. Now we all know that the government will never give us complete control, so you have to take care of your own. Uncle Sam isn't really your uncle, he just says that so you'll fork over taxes and get sentimental over soldiers sent to die for something they were told they should believe in. I am a soldier supporter, so don't get angry please.
O.k. So I spelled his name wrong. How many of you knew that? :)
My heart is in the right place, so, nah nah nah nah naaaaah! Anyway...My apologies for spelling the Sen.'s name incorrectly. If he knew I'm sure he'd pat me on the shoulder and say, "that's quite alright long as you know who I am...." CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!!!!!! Haha, kidding again! I get the feeling McCain would just ask me where I've invested my money. :)
O.k., I've covered my tracks...kinda-
Happy Halloween! And Bababooey to you all!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Up Up and Away

Here we are only six days to the end of an era. Hopefully it will be the beginning of something new and fulfilling. I have slammed the right only because well, they're a little loony in my opinion, and I think the lesser of the "two evils" is really the better right now. We will see what our new Pres. has to offer in the new path this great country will take.
I will support whom ever wins and pray that the right choices are made.
Barak has been accused of socialist values with his support of the little guy. Um..well, isn't the little guy us, "bailing out" the big guys socialism??? Heck yeah it is.
O.k. so Barak served on a board with that terrorist dude. That makes him a terrorist supporter? That means if you ever meet someone, or talk to a person who has committed a crime, you too will be a criminal? What the hey!!?!?
There is not one way to help our country the pick up is going to be slow and tedious. I just don't think right now that the right will do what is "right". It's my humble opinion that we need to take care of ourselves as a nation and do what we have to. But the bailout? Really? If I or anyone I knew were in financial trouble, would Fannie Mae or any one of those companies help? Not for a second.
So again, think about where we are in our history. What we need to make this country the best it can be. It's not an easy task, but don't sell us (and yourself) short. There is nothing to be afraid of. Most distrust and aggression comes from fear. If it's Obama's name, just say so what. If it's the fact that he is a Muslim. Just say so what? He is a person that instills hope and promise to the back bone of this great country.
When big companies get tax brakes, it isn't jobs that are created. It's big bonuses for CEOs and managers. Exxon doesn't say, "oh well, we've received a billion dollar tax break..let's hire ten thousand new employees and add to the economy..." No, they give it to the top dogs as expense accounts, and vacations, and holiday checks. Do those in a higher position deserve bonuses...not with the tax break...use profits..use the owner's money. Don't bleed me for your unnecessary lush lifestyles.
We were for so long trying to see what was so great about McCain. When Obama speaks, he points out what is so great about me, my wife, my sisters, my parents, my nephews, my neighbors. The middle class, who has been dragged around for so very long finally have someone looking out for us.
So many have told me, or more warned me that I'd better be ready to apologize after Obama gets elected and ruins things. That will not happen. Sen. Barak may be the left side's poster boy, but he is different. He stood out from the rest of the candidates. That's what greatness is. You have the established "machine". Then there is one who walks to the beat of her/ his own drum. That is what makes this country great. The individuals who are just not like the rest. Who can command an audience and inspire the hearts of a country's people. Sheep do not lead the Shepard.
Come on people, let's move toward a better America!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Woop There it Is!

Sarah Palin appeared on Saturday Night Live this past weekend. Even though she showed a great deal of humility and good humor about herself and her position in the election, she's still just a goof in my opinion. It's not the media's portrayal of her, not in the least. It's her quirky benevolent attitude that erupts from her Muppet like plastered smile, with her Alaskan redneck twang in her voice. Mostly, it's her way less than serious attitude when discussing, well anything. Everything is a joke. Everything can be slid aside, and a joke fills in what informed, intelligent thought should. It's a comedian's job to be funny when in front of a crowd. Not a politician's.
She is attractive yes, and seems friendly. there are millions of soccer Mom's that identify with her approach and position. THAT is what terrifies me. This country has good people who are ill informed and perhaps a bit naive, and there are some who just aren't smart, I'll let you fill in the blanks.
Alec Baldwin complemented her on her looks, and I'm sure she's met a humble Tina Fey. Then again George Bush Sr. actually invited Dana Carvey to the white house for his impression of "Not gonna do ehhhh..". So, the republicans can laugh at themselves, good for them. Four more years, maybe not so good for us. Not right now.
I'm a believer of both parties meeting somewhere in the middle. I don't think anyone is 100% for either side.
The buzz was big, and the pay off was fun. You should google Amy Poehler's rap she did during weekend update segment. It was Off Da Hook! Haha!
Woop there is is! (she made no reference to the rap song I am referencing, but I needed a fun title for my blog that ..oh well you get it.)
Hulk SMASH today on DvD!
Get your green ON!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Round and Round

The debates are over. The dust has settled and who has come out ahead? Well, I guess that depends on who you are supporting. McCain made decent points, but to me acts like a knowledgeable grand father who is asked how would he change America if he could. I'm sure those on the side of the "right" would say Obama is worried about the little guy who doesn't add to the economy the way a business owner does. Well the little guy actually does. The middle class (both upper and lower) spend more on average on a consistent basis than the wealthy. Business owners do what they can to keep costs down and profits high. But they are there for profit only. Any business (unless nonprofit) works toward and only profit. Families work for their family and for the best life possible for their loved ones. Business owners are greedy and want luxurious lifestyles. I'M JUST KIDDING. The argument is a good one, and with our economy doing badly again...blah, blah, blah. The little guy / gal vs. the BIG Business!!!
Americans (legal or not) are going to go to work. Buy their expensive coffees and read their emails. They'll indulge for the holidays, and they'll still go on vacation. We'll bounce back, I'm sure of it, but at what cost? I've heard by right side-ers that you can't blame Bush for the economy, but you can blame Clinton. Left-ers and liberals and progressives tell me, it's entirely Bush's fault, he lost control and has nothing to offer. What can you do? Without knowing the truth (which is fed to us by the media mostly) there is one thing to do: vote.
I never thought I would ever care about politics. Perhaps it's me getting older, or being married, or the fact that (like every other American) such a tremendous chunk of my income goes to taxes that now that I want to know what they're doing with that money.
We as citizens will probably never know the exact truths, but maybe we don't want to know everything.
Think about this $5 a car to pass over the Whitestone Bridge. How many cars pass over her? Ten thousand a week? Maybe more? DEFINITELY more! Where does this cash go?
It's like beiing caught in a clothes dryer...we just go round and round!
Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Day

Fee Fye Fo Fum - I smell the Dow rise like the sun. Yes that's true. Yesterday the stock market rose up high and gave some a little faith. Don't get too excited. This is normal for an unstable time. This will happen a few more times, then it will sink and then rise again.
We are living through very bizarre times, and we will get through this as we have gotten through other catastrophes. This one though is man made, not like that global warming (wink).
October is a time for leaves to turn, goblins to crawl and Christmas trees to be up at the local mall? Yes, in a mall I work near, Macy's has already put up around ten large Christmas trees, fully decorated with holiday decorations and doo-dads all around on sale. At first I was annoyed and bothered, then I immediately realized that the stores have no choice. With an economy in near ruins, and Americans (who celebrate) want to have their holidays. Perhaps items can be bought a little at a time.
The film industry doesn't seem to be hit by the financial collapse. Films come out weekly like they were all in a cookie jar that an anxious child tipped over. If they were made, and marketing dollars went out, then I guess Hollywood has no choice but to try to put those dollars back in. I guess vaudeville was a success after the depression hit.
It's interesting to me that people still can justify entertainment spending when things are so tight.
I'm not pointing fingers, I LOVE movies. I'm just wondering if escaping from reality is the reason. Even when the economy is doing well, people love to be entertained. Americans work hard and so they want to play hard. That can justify one's existence. Well, enjoy.
I've read that if we do not comply with the bailout martial law will be carried out to ensure this countries survival.
Let freedom reign.
Oh and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull comes out today on DvD. Shame on you Steven Spielberg and you George Lucas. Shame on you for destroying one of the most beloved film heroes in American cinema, dare I say the world.
You Lucas already crushed every heart of Star Wars Fans in the US (I'm sure they loved them in France) with your trashy episodes 1-3, yuck!
It's time Mr. Spielberg you stick to the topics you understand at your respectable elderly age. I'm not bitter, just so very hurt by what you did to Indy. Dr. Jones deserved a better send off. Not that the ending of his last flick (in 1989) wasn't perfect, literally riding off into the sunset.
To take off the heat from them, The Incredible Hulk comes out (on DvD) next Tuesday! The mean green is no Indiana Jones, but may act as the "spoon full of sugar" to make the feces go down somewhat smoothly.
Swallow slowly. Taste it all.
Ah, just another day...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Whether or Not

It's a nice day. The sun is shining, and our species is milling about. If you have not heard, over seas this morning there has been a crash of sorts in the economic foundation of Europe. This is just the beginning. A global collapse of historic proportions is on the horizon. Some predict so bad so, that countries around the world will want to have a say in who is elected President.
It will be the next thing my generation tells their grand children about. Yes, there was 9/ 11, and then came the collapse of the world's economy. Thank you Bush administration, thank you.
It's been eight long depressing years and it's time something else happens (I didn't say change). Things will get worse before they get better, but they will become really bad.
When the bail out was announced I went to the bank to deposit my bi-weekly check. The bank was filled with people and a creepy, ominous understanding that this was bad. Many people had wads of green stuff clumped in their fists, and bulging envelopes they were stuffing into their pockets and purses. I felt like I was witnessing something in a movie. A badly directed and horribly produced movie.
I am not an economics professor, I'm just a blue collar guy, that is lucky enough to draw cartoons for a living.
Whatever happens, I'm sure we'll survive, whether or not the right choice is made on November 4th.
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

At Random

I work on the tenth floor of a landmark building that exists in White Plains New York. I got to work and got on the elevator with an elderly gentleman who resembled a cross between Martin Short and Woody Allen. Something compelled me to say "hello, how are you?", this man is a complete stranger, I have never seen him in this building before. he replied "oh, I'm o.k. and how are you...?" "Surviving" I replied. He followed that by saying " I guess that's all you can do at this point. You know this country isn't what it should be. The Bush has single-handedly ruined this great country with his, his, mismanaging of everything. It's terrible, don't get me started. " I told him I agreed whole heartedly, and he left on his floor. That's where we are. A stranger's expression, in an elevator.
This country is great and I love it...we just need to grab hold of those boots straps real tight.
I watched a bit of the debate, and McCain keeps using "my friends" and "this guy" when he refers to Barak. I think McCain is a little robot too when he takes the microphone and waddles around the platform and tries to raise his arms up to make a point. O.k. that was mean, but he's not Presidential material.
There is a good time coming in this country. Just hold tight. Good things happen. Just at random.
It's a hot October day. Be well.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So they signed the dotted line. The "bail out" is in full swing. If you were in trouble would the government step in to help you out? They would not. You got yourself into it and well, too bad. It's disgusting that this country is in this predicament. Why don't those companies just go bankrupt? They can't because they give credit lines to companies. Companies pay employees. If they can't...wait a minute. Shouldn't they have seen this coming? Shouldn't someone have said "hello, we're heading toward some trouble hear...". If someone did, no one was listening.
It's all b.s. this bail out nonsense. It's an atrocity. Some have said to me," if it'll help the country then take we should help". I already pay my taxes and I follow the God damned law. I even recycle (which is more costly and not good for the environment) and that's a lot. I'm not angry, just really annoyed and a little hurt that we are not being cared for by out gov't.
It's 2008 and we are in another Vietnam in the Middle East. we are facing another potential depression, and Sarah Palin....arrrrrgh! Oh and the French and (I think) Swedes want to fire atom smashing devices at each other and see if it creates a black hole!?!?! What they hell is going on here!?!? Our species is out of friggin' control. Why can't we just be happy living and breathing, and being. I'm not passive, but I'm not destructive either. O.k. I'm an artist and I do use paper, and I sometimes flush more than once , but I'm working on that.
It's f-ing criminal that Bush has been in charge for so long. It's a tragedy that the spine of this country has to "bail out" the anus. And it's terrifying that some see Palin as an asset.
I don't know, maybe I'm nuts. Maybe we're headed for the end. I just hope something happens to bring positivity into our country. We're sinking fast.
Today Sleeping Beauty is being released by Disney on DvD and Blue Ray. I say check it out, escapism may be worth it's weight in gold. (which is way up by the way)
Somebody call the cops!

Friday, October 3, 2008

A Wink and a Smile

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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Look Up

The heart beats and the mind soars. Your eyes open, you sit up and get out of bed. You have another day to live. It's miraculous that you have this ability. The wind is blowing and leaves are swirling in spirals through traffic and over black metal gates, cluttering the sidewalk. It's Autumn and it's perfect.
I think Autumn and Spring are the favorite seasons of many because they are easy going. They are the middle ground and they give you just enough to breathe deeply and be you. Summer and Winter are the right sided one way, cut off and stern seasons. They are what they are and they bring good things too, but are not as passive as the other two.
Seeing life in it's earliest of stages is something to behold and admire. It is more than one can express when experiencing it for the first time up close.
We are floating on a rock, covered in water spinning through the galaxy, in the universe. I mean, you can think about this all day. We as a species have become lost in a way due to our very own selfish, narcissistic nature. It's too bad we are so destructive and simple at the core.
The heart beats and the lungs compress. Eyes dart left and right. Get to work on time, and pay the bills. See the movie and watch the news.
If you happen to get a few minutes free. And no one is watching...
...look up.
You'll be glad you did. :)