Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So they signed the dotted line. The "bail out" is in full swing. If you were in trouble would the government step in to help you out? They would not. You got yourself into it and well, too bad. It's disgusting that this country is in this predicament. Why don't those companies just go bankrupt? They can't because they give credit lines to companies. Companies pay employees. If they can't...wait a minute. Shouldn't they have seen this coming? Shouldn't someone have said "hello, we're heading toward some trouble hear...". If someone did, no one was listening.
It's all b.s. this bail out nonsense. It's an atrocity. Some have said to me," if it'll help the country then take we should help". I already pay my taxes and I follow the God damned law. I even recycle (which is more costly and not good for the environment) and that's a lot. I'm not angry, just really annoyed and a little hurt that we are not being cared for by out gov't.
It's 2008 and we are in another Vietnam in the Middle East. we are facing another potential depression, and Sarah Palin....arrrrrgh! Oh and the French and (I think) Swedes want to fire atom smashing devices at each other and see if it creates a black hole!?!?! What they hell is going on here!?!? Our species is out of friggin' control. Why can't we just be happy living and breathing, and being. I'm not passive, but I'm not destructive either. O.k. I'm an artist and I do use paper, and I sometimes flush more than once , but I'm working on that.
It's f-ing criminal that Bush has been in charge for so long. It's a tragedy that the spine of this country has to "bail out" the anus. And it's terrifying that some see Palin as an asset.
I don't know, maybe I'm nuts. Maybe we're headed for the end. I just hope something happens to bring positivity into our country. We're sinking fast.
Today Sleeping Beauty is being released by Disney on DvD and Blue Ray. I say check it out, escapism may be worth it's weight in gold. (which is way up by the way)
Somebody call the cops!

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