Friday, October 31, 2008

Greetings All

I'm aware that recently I blogged about Barack Obama, and a colleague said, "you spelled Barack wrong". I told him no, I didn't. Because I spell his name with power...with strength. If the "c" is added then his name is not memorable. The B-a-r-a-k as I spell it, makes you remember him. It's how I interpret his name, and the vibe I get. I'm kidding I really thought it was spelled without a "c". But the man does inspire me.
Say it with me people, BARAK Obama! I believe in him. He believes in us. At least that is what I like to believe. Inspiration goes a long way.
This country was created by a group of people inspired by a notion that "the people" can live free. A place where the people have a say. Now we all know that the government will never give us complete control, so you have to take care of your own. Uncle Sam isn't really your uncle, he just says that so you'll fork over taxes and get sentimental over soldiers sent to die for something they were told they should believe in. I am a soldier supporter, so don't get angry please.
O.k. So I spelled his name wrong. How many of you knew that? :)
My heart is in the right place, so, nah nah nah nah naaaaah! Anyway...My apologies for spelling the Sen.'s name incorrectly. If he knew I'm sure he'd pat me on the shoulder and say, "that's quite alright long as you know who I am...." CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!!!!!! Haha, kidding again! I get the feeling McCain would just ask me where I've invested my money. :)
O.k., I've covered my tracks...kinda-
Happy Halloween! And Bababooey to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I knew you spelled it wrong, but it has a cool Kirby-esque vibe to it the way you spelled it.