Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bad Money

The economy is in bad shape and we need to hold on tight to reach land in this ocean of dreariness. Things will work out and there will be light at the end of this tunnel.
My life has been affected by this down ward spiral and I'm pulling the rip cord before I hit the ground. I'm not panicking, just bracing for the hit.
Often when you think of a depression your memories may flash to black and white photographs of people who had nothing and survived by helping family and friends. Lighting fires in garbage cans and begging for a penny on the street to get a slice of bread, or a match to light the garbage can fire.
I don't suspect that things will get that bad. I hope not. I took a walk on my lunch break yesterday and my mind was lost to day dreaming. I imagined what would happen if there was suddenly a news bulletin, "U.S. currency is worthless.."? I'm not sure of the circumstances to bring this to fruition, however, I wondered what hell would that bring? Would every company go out of business? Would rioting in the streets start instantaneously? Would schools be overwhelmed as parents tore their children out to ensure their family's survival? Would police departments crumble? Would the government?
Would those with guns in their homes now make the rules? Would that be the end?
I'd like to believe that our friends over seas would lend a hand. Or would the United States of America just become the latest item up for bid?
That is what I thought of as I took my walk. It sent shivers up my spine.
I also watch a lot of movies and I love drama, so I'll see the credits roll in my "mind reel" and let that night mare end peacefully.
With the bail out in effect and a new President in office, I can only be optimistic and hope everything will turn out great in the end.
It's going to take time. Many have said it will get worse before it gets better.
Well, we'll see if all those animated specials really sank in about family being the most important part of the holidays.
It's going to be a simple Christmas for me and my family.
Good luck to any one reading this who was also affected by the economic orphanage fire that's happening.
My heart is with you, for my heart is all I can afford to give.
Be well. Stay safe.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Did!

Here we are on the first day of a new future for our country. Is there a lot at stake? Yes. Is there elation and illumination filling the streets of this nation? Absolutely. Will things turn around in our government by Saturday? No way Jose! If you have a brain in your skull, you get the reality of this. It is going to take time and effort to make things move forward. JUST to move forward. By that I mean just to begin the steam engine to change direction may take up to four years. If President Obama has any influence and is very persistent things may begin to move in a year or two. Where we are as a country is , well, imagine a eagle, with big beautiful wings soaring toward an open valley, full of green pastures surrounded by towering mountains....but loses it's direction and lands to rest. Somehow it gets it's claws caught in a crevasse in the bottom of a cavern. The creature is trapped, not able to pull itself out...it hears something, the sound of rushing water...as the cavern begins to fill. Then out of the darkness steps a man. He has never helped a trapped animal as powerful and as full of potential, but he reaches down... to do SOMETHING, anything, to give this majestic beautiful bird a chance to take flight again.
That is a melo-dramatic metaphor, but I don't give a hoot as that's what we need. To see the drama in this. To take note, and stand up and get ready for whatever may come.
There may even be more darkness ahead before we even see a shimmer of light at the end of this tunnel. But at least there is hope and inspiration.
If you are reading this and you are unhappy about our new leader, that's o.k., let him prove himself, I agree. You can't just be all talk, and charm. Something tells me that President Obama knows the pressure he is under. He understands the scrutiny his actions will be under by everyone, by specifically those who supported his competitor. Even the people who voted for him, many of them may disagree greatly with the choices he makes as our 44th.
I saw the live shots in Chicago, and in Harlem too. There was a gasp and then a roar of joy! There was dancing and crying, cheering and singing! Heck, Oprah was there. She was honestly hiding behind some civilians, and she looked like a little girl with tears in her eyes. And I am not a fan of Oprah.
Some of you may be like, "yeah sure, that's what a presidency is all about, dancing...give me a break...". You have to put this in perspective. One hundred and fifty years after the end of slavery, a man that would have (despite his intelligence and influence) been maybe working on a farm, or a plantation. He is a symbol of freedom. If you have ever felt pushed aside for what you look like, or because you were different in some way, our President is who you should think of. Yes, the man is brilliant academically, and the ladies love him, but he is still something to acknowledge. The beginning of hopefully a better America.
If he doesn't fulfill our "dreams" so what. He is still just a man. But by his being elected, we have shown something to the rest of the world. YES we can!
Be proud today, no matter your political path. Be proud to be an American! I know it sounds corny. But we made history. He has a lot to live up to. Give him a chance.
I want nothing more than to see this country great again!!!!
Think about it.
God bless, the United States of America! And just to be sure, keep your fingers crossed. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

So Here We Are!

Well, it's time. Nov. 4th 2008 Election Day! Kids are off from school, many restaurants and chain food stores are offering free beverages and meals. Starbucks is offering a free cup of coffee (12oz) to anyone who says "I voted". Even if you don't drink coffee, give it to a homeless man or woman and say "here, I voted".
Never before has there been such electricity in the air over an election! O.k. there has been, but I'm talking about right here right now. This is something that will be analyzed and used as historical reference for years to come.
Some say neither candidate is worth their weight in Oreos, but I say nay. "NAY!" This is a turning point in our country's history. It also has a ripple effect with our public relations around the globe.
We need reform, and optimism! Is it going to be difficult for our new President to "change" things, or to put our "country first"? Hell yeah it is, but something is happening, right now! With a thought, and a flick of a switch (o.k. maybe a few switches...)
Then there are the idiots. I was just informed that students from the University of Chicago are being advised to stay in doors specifically if Obama does not win. The University is located near a not so safe area, and the city of Chicago wants nothing bad to happen.
Are you f-ing kidding me? Are you guys animals are what? Only lions and elephants (I'm not saying monkeys, I'm not an asshole) would run rampant in the state of anger and disappointment. That is exactly what the right-siders will point at if things don't go Obama's way. I will never understand that type of behavior! Ever!
I am sorry for Sen. Obama as his grandmother did die recently and will miss this exciting moment her grandson has brought about.
If you haven't yet, do not forget to vote, it's important that you do, even though I think there is always some under handed scheme going on if things are not in favor of a certain party's objective.
So, here we are people. At the edge of the volcano. So much on the line, so much excitement to witness. The air is thick with moca-latayes.....and a fever is air born. It makes your heart pump, and your palms sweat. It's what hopes and dreams are made of. It is an election you WILL be discussing with your grand children.
No matter the outcome, the story is a great one! Of a great country, with great people!
Hopefully with a great future!!!!!!
Be well, and be a part of it!

Oh and Zack and Miri make a Porno was hysterical!!!!