Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Freedom of Being

The follow through in life may be as technically challenging as the one in golf. Things change and you can either change with them or bring on your own. The individuals I know would rather be the change they want to see in the world, but usually follow anyway; me too.
I become so inspired by what's happening in the world, even-though things are dangerously close to the edge. It's always darkest before the dawn...right? We must walk through the darkness to emerge in the basking sunshine as the hero...right?
How is it in 2008 that not only are we facing World War three with a possible depression following? What have we learned from the past? Nothing I assume. Kennedy was wrong, it is what our government should do for us. We are the spine of this beast, and we cannot live for very long if crippled. There is no accountability and the problems have been piling up for the past 50 years.
I am not a political analyst, and I'll never profess to having all the facts, nor any answers. I am a concerned American that is (like everyone else) living through a very dark time in our history. After the Great depression, both World Wars, Vietnam, Korea, assassinations (attempted and completed), corporation scandals, and 9/11. What the hell is going on?
If you haven't seen the new Palin interview with Katie Couric (it aired 9/29), as McCain sits close by to extinguish any shady journalism (gotcha!). It's the greatest mockery of what this country is supposed to be. I'm not attacking the right by any means, there is just no way I want these imbeciles running my country. That's right, I pay my taxes, so this country is mine! Every American should feel this way, and there should be a full renewal of our power as voters. You can defend the right side all you want. The left is no pot of gold, but at least for right now there's consistency. I respect McCain for what he's accomplished and survived, he is an American symbol of strength. But he chose Palin, and she is a complete idiot. The only positive about Palin is that her face got Tina Fey back on the openings of Saturday Night Live (you tube them, she's fantastic).
That is where we are. We are waiting to go into those voting booths and make something happen. I'm not an idealist, I used to be, and I'm worn thin. I'm a realist, and maybe an optimist when I need something to believe in (I hate it that I'm referring to a Poison song, but so be it).
There are bad things on both sides as in any election of almost any election year (still being diplomatic). Right now, at this moment we need a path. If our new president is to wear the label "leader of the free world" let's make sure it fits well.
If there are (I'm sure there are) those who have Obama's race as an issue, you're just dumb. It's not an issue. Or at the very least it shouldn't be. Open your eyes and just see beneath the surface. Don't take the easy way out. Don't take offense, just take note.
Yes, Clinton made mistakes, and Bush senior made mistakes, and Bush Jr. is a douche bag, but the truth is any person who is "elected" (what happened in Florida???) may not be 100% perfect, but I think it's time to think about our families. It's time to think about living and prospering. Think about, just tomorrow. It's the tomorrow's I am concerned about, I'll survive today. I'll take 80% right now, heck I'll take 50%. But we should expect nothing less that 110%!
It's funny, I was going to express my thoughts on individual freedom. The art of "just being" is sometimes lost in our quick paced society. Then it hit me. We are not free. We pay for everything we have in this country, and if you think differently, go and speak freely about things you cannot tolerate. If you're too specific, they'll come to check you out.
I love where I live, and I know the U.S. is not a perfect place, but we are on the verge of drowning. This is NOT a perfect place. But perfection is an abstract term, created by a flawed being. It's all subjective.
Chris Rock said on his latest HBO special, (paraphrasing) "you have to be pretty bad if you make people vote for a black guy!" And also, "I'm not voting for the guy who got caught, I'm voting for the guy who got away!" Pretty funny and pretty hard core. That's where we are. It's the follow through. It's the freedom of being... ...an American. I'm not sure what that means anymore.
I'm still waiting for Jim Henson to pop up from underneath Palin, and all of us breathing a sigh of relief. But that isn't happening.
Do I hate McCain? No, I do not. I think his unpredictability was a good thing, it would have kept us on our toes, he was a maverick. Did he choose poorly in Palin? Absolutely. She is his biggest failure.
Oh and by the way, "I am Iron man!"
(Out today on DvD and Blue-ray, get your copy now!) :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Guilt Free

You don't have to pay for it but you do. Guilt is the number one emotional controlling device used by loved ones to get what they want or what they believe to be right. Parents, spouses, friends and siblings all use guilt to get what they need. Our Government just uses good old fashioned abuse. So get your crowbars ready to open those wallets to "bail out" those less middle classed then you. (We need a good revolution in this crappy country, scumbags)
Can you be guilt ed into doing something you'd really rather not do? Do you have the strength to say "no, I'm not being guilt ed into that"? Are you focused enough to not feel bad and crumble when a loved one (spouse or gf/ bf) makes you feel bad about being the person you are, when you've only heard good things from most?
If you are one of the fortunate few who obtain that personal power and can walk away from the proverbial pile of bricks then congrats. I've found out that many people cannot. If you're lucky you have a friend or two who can be a coach and prepare you for that guilt ridden bout around the corner. If you have difficulty, and your loved one is great at using logic to mathematically corner you, then think way out of the box. Go to places where logic cannot prosper. Go to the needs of the individual.
I've heard "that's not normal" or "you're way to old to..." and even "no one else I know does that" and maybe even " most of the world doesn't do it that way". The "it's" and the "what's" are irrelevant for right now. It's the crazy maker in your life that just doesn't see things the way you do and will persist with the brick loading until your knees buckle and your back gives out.
There is a great way to stop this attack on your mind, simply say "I don't/ I won't accept your guilt anymore". It's worded kind of new age-like and flaky, but not only does it bring the reality to the front, it startles and sometimes angers the attacker. Which can be both hysterical and decisive for your argument.
Go for it if you suffer from the guilt you've been ask to carry. Be strong even if your ripping apart on the inside. If you have to leave the room right after because your sick due to the confrontation, go and leave. These polite predators are feasting on the innocent and easy-going, and there response sometimes is "well, if you can't stand up for yourself, then that's your problem". Well, not accepting their guilt openly is like walking around with a sawed off shot gun under your trench coat.
It only has to be fired once, and then they'll flinch and change their approach. Maybe even learning from the experience.
The sun came out today, after a Grey, warm and slimy weekend.
Good day to buy a shotgun.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Tap tap tap tap tip tap tip tap, tippit-tap, pat tap, tip , pattt! The rain raps against the windows of my car, and it opens me up. Tap tap tip tap, patap, patttaa-tapp, in a rhythm. My mind becomes clear and I drive. The windshield wipers slish-slash in tandem with the rain, and the engine roars to pull us up a hill. I'm in the clear, and a million miles away from the wet concrete and steel. On a mountain top, or in a river. The energy is intoxicating and I want more. The window opens a crack, and the wind rushes in. I'm blown away. I play a song that crunches the sounds together (yes, it's a Metallica song "My Apocalypse").
There's thunder in my soul now and I'm ready. For what, I have no idea. But there's a smile on my face and I'm racing to work (figuratively speaking, I'm a safe driver). I want to share this passionate moment with the world. For now, it's just the steering wheel and the tires that hold the road tight. Every moment should be like this. Who needs drugs, I am so damn high right now (I'm a geek I know).
My time is limited and I want to tell you fast. Fast, that's it. Act! When you know something or think it. Waist no time. Feel the rhythm! Go, baby go!
The music gives me strength and inspiration, and I roar like a lion! I wish I could package this (always marketing, ha!).
I caress and work out my demons, but I make sure to have more muscle then them. Remind them who's in charge, but we are all friends.
The rain, it's mystical. It tap-tap-taps for you. It leads you, it soaks you, it makes you late for work.
Run through the rain with your arms wide open.
Feel the Rhythm!
If it hasn't happened for you, maybe it will one day. It happens to me all the time. It's a blast.
Feel the Rhythm!

Stay Dry. :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tally Ho

When being a villain, one must deal with the rebuttal of facts and scenarios that will twist all logic and intelligent reasons and possibilities to go against you. The follow through is extremely important. Like in a great game of tennis (I don't play I observe) you must prepare yourself for the variable that may be thrown at you, and at the same time react to unaccounted for ball bouncing.
I failed in an attempt to be a villain at one point in the night. It resulted in a new experience and maybe a prospect. I was then a complete villain a little bit later in the evening, and although it was a definite challenge to stick to my guns, it felt kinda good. Sticking to my guns means (to me) being stubborn and non movable. Stating my position and point of view calmly and sternly. Any loop hole is a vacant spot for the knife and I can't afford to let in the other parties concepts. I did it. I was not the hero, and the night went on and everyone still were friends. Whew!
So, if I can keep this up, I'll either be at the top of the mountain, or dead from stress. Either way, it'll be the beat of my drum that does it. Even now I'm trembling inside to be able to tell people what I'm "not" doing with or for them, and what I will do.
I don't want to be the hated one, and I'm not talking about mean. There are some of us out there that do this automatically. They don't feel the guilt, or remorse for their sniper hits.
Oh and our President addressed the nation last night about the recession. I wanted to punch my t.v. screen.
There's a fine line between being a "bad" and "good". Mr. Bush has to learn which is his ass and which his elbow.
Further more, now in the next day. There is a scale that tips and you must watch in which way it could lean. Making a choice and being stern with your position may give you the victory for the moment. Can it lead to a new found respect by your peers, or loved ones? I'm not exactly sure.
I do know (and have witnessed countless times) that when I've broken character and stood my ground, I've always been dismissed as just "stupid" or "what's gotten into you?".
Only once a younger sibling (the youngest) validated my war tactics (in defense of a personal attack) and it meant a lot to me.
I hope you, or "we" can stand up for what we know is right. The knot in my stomach gives me no comfort, so I meditate on my mind's renewal of itself. Strength comes from doing something even with your reservations, when you're terrified, when crashing and burning very well can be an option.
Someone I know lives by the quote "fortune favors the bold". I'll add to that by saying freedom is knowing where you stand, and knowing who you are. It may not be as prolific, but I'm doing my best to communicate what I'm feeling.
If any of you have checked out the new Metallica album, listen to All Night Mare Long. It got me to work today in good fired up spirits.
Anyway, I'm going to try to be the person I want to be. I hope you all do the same. There may be casualties along the way, but I guess that's life. I've never been respected by being the "nice guy". I've been liked yes, but I don't believe respected.
Someone close to me told me "say what it is you feel, and don't ever back down, stand your ground....even if there's a chance you'll be made the fool...at least you'll be respected for having a
been a man, even for just those few moments". I was fearful I might be disregarded. She told me, "nine times outta ten you're disregarded any way, at least you'll have who you are to walk away with."
She was right, I don't want to be a sheep. I want to just be me. As years pass by, I guess that me can be, any one I chose to be. I just need to open my eyes and see.
It can be, at times, so difficult; but I guess it's worth sticking to your guns. Going out guns blazin'!
Tally Ho!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stick to Your Guns

Are you a hero, or a villain? Now you may immediately feel responsible and think, "well, I'm a hero of course.." and I know those of you who would select villain. I'm not talking abouyt a comic book fantasy here. I'm not talking NBC's hit dramatic fantasy. I'm talking about in real life.
Are you the one who can stare a loved one in the face and say "no", "I'm not doing that", or "go by yourself, I'm staying home", or "I'm going to hang with my friends Thursday night, let's do dinner afterward"?
I only ask because I find it so difficult to face someone you love, or care for and to do what I have to do.
Are you a hero who makes all the right choices in the eyes of your loved ones and friends? Or, are you the villain who does what ever it is that is right for you when ever you need to? Now, all the smart people will respond by saying, "well, it's a balance of both really. You have to do what is right for you, and make sure the other people in your life are taken care of."
What do you feel when you do what is right for you, and what do you feel when you give in, every single time because you don't want to be disliked, or unloved, or the villain.
I think I've been trying to be a hero for far too long. It's a lot of heart ache, and tension.
The villains always have more fun, and are more interesting too. Don't most women love the "bad boy". The hero gets boring Lois Lane. Ugh! Peter Parker got Mary Jane, but we all know that's b.s.! That ain't happenin' in real life (The Spider thing, that could definitely happen).
Can you look in the mirror and define what it is you are? Without comparison? Without ego, or id? when do you take a moral note to see who looks back in the reflection?
Maybe it's time to see what it is like to not be the hero all of the time. Not necessarily being a bad guy/ or girl. Perhaps thinking a little outta the box. More into me.....


Hey, Wanna know where I got these scars from?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The most wonderful cool thing happened today. I met Richard Williams, the animator and designer of Roger Rabbit (and many other amazing doodles). He gave a lecture promoting animation and a masters class on DvD that everyone in any field should purchase and examine.
He was personable and dynamic and right down to earth with his explanations and stories forging his way through animation and art. He was an artist first and then became an animator. He is obsessed with this medium even after being in the industry for over 40 years. With two Oscars for Roger Rabbit alone and an entire industry bowing down before him, he spoke to us (and the entire staff at Blue Sky studios) as though he were a loving Father or Uncle.
I haven't been this inspired in a log time! I love my wife and my family with my entire heart, yet, as a creative obsessed creative, I long for that passion. The passion that keeps you up to four in the morning. The passion that wakes you right up at six the next day. The passion that has you walking with fire in your step. The passion that moves you.
Ask yourself right now; what moves you? What makes you grin and giggle? What does it for you?
If it's x-rated keep it private please, and if it hurts you or others, then seek help and a religion of your choice. If in fact, it uplifts you, and brings you to another level, a better level, then you should be doing it right now. Even if you just pick up a magazine, book or DvD about it. Engross yourself in it. There is no such thing as "I can't", or "I don't have the money", or "he won't let me do that", or "she won't let me do that".
It's your life. There are no dress rehearsals. It's all you baby!
Richard Williams said "it's all random". His life was/ is guided by his passion. The occurrences are random, but the focus and the fun are true! Point your sword and feel it! Ride the wave! Jump the curb! Skip home today, who cares!!!???

Please, for the love of you! Go and be, do, see or find what it is you love, and...
do it!

Love ya (really),

Rested Well

After a good night's sleep there is a great sense of renewal. Getting enough rest is essential. Many Americans do not rest well and therefore have to compensate for the body's lack of energy and alertness. That is something I've come to appreciate at this point in my life. If everyone can get at least six to seven hours (eight for the fortunate) of rest a day there would be less illness. Provided that we also eat well, exercise and have a good laughter filled lifestyle.
I'm no authority on the subject, I only know what I know from experience and of course watching 20/ 20, Datline, and 60 minutes. :)
There are morning people and there are not. The "nots" should be stayed away from, at all costs. I love my not, dearly, yet I learn the hard way time after time. Do not wake the sleeping bear; or spouse. You tube waking grizzly and you'll see what I mean.
As I was saying, if you cannot get your six, seven or eight hours at a clip, take naps. When the body rests fully it regenerates itself. You actually become better; stronger, smarter, funnier and friendlier. We are more accepting of each other and more loving to our families and friends.
So do you best tonight (or this afternoon), and relax your mind and sleep, if you can. Ambien is good for those hung up on thoughts, and a glass of wine is nice too (not with the Ambien of course).
Have a great day. Do what makes you happy. Follow your Bliss...

...and good night.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Thinking Success

After watching the Emmies last night I've come to the conclusion that it's not so easy to be an actor. I watched and analyzed what they were wearing and how they read from the teleprompter. One foul up and that's it. You're not doing your job. If you slouch, gain weight, or enjoy not wearing makeup you just may not fit into that standard. Such high standards we have as a species. Maybe we're just insecure is all?
I did notice the standard for being a woman in Hollywood. Make sure you can see every muscle in your neck when on camera. I remember anatomy lessons from college, and our models had no protruding muscles. They were just people.
I understand that being in front of a camera means scrutiny, however, I think we should take it easy and let those poor actresses eat a "sammich"! Although, I do like the way Julia Louis Dreyfus looks now, as opposed to her more rounded look from her Seinfeld days.
I am glad that 30 Rock did so well, and congrats to Tina Fey...because maybe we'll get more comedies on T.V. I don't watch commercials as my wife loves the power of DVR (Digital Video Recorder), we fast forward. So in a way (waaaay skewed), watching television is not as annoying. Commercials inundate us with so much product that I get distracted. I do fancy the movie trailers though, I sometimes go back for them.
I should be discussing the upcoming debates that are a about a week away. I think Biggest Loser will have to compete (Get it!?).
I do have ideas of who would be better to run this country, but I'm no authority. What I am finding out is is that at least every other person is. Everyone thinks they know what's wrong with our country, and what can be done to change things. Again, not everyone, but many. Why is it we can't discuss politics or religion in a social setting? Because we are out of control. We want more freedom, yay! Freedom to do what? I think the problems in this "great" country have been passed down from generation to generation. There will be someone one day. Not in my lifetime I fear. We are a dangerous animal and our species needs a lot of evolving to do.
This is just my opinion, and many would surely rebut my quirky position, but it has some validity to me.
I love my country. I love the world we live in. I want to believe in the best in all people. However, since I was a young boy, I've witnessed some bad stuff that my "fellow man" does to each other. It's pretty sad.
Yay for Tina Fey.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Things Are Good...

Things are going well. It's a Friday, and there is no better day is there in the week. Saturday morning comes close, but nothing beats the promise of a Friday morning, with the weekend just waiting for you. The possibilities are endless.
Again, blogs are silly and who cares what anyone has to say. I really don't even care what our Presidential candidates have to say, but I have to right. The state of the union hangs in the balance. (Cue the dramatic music).
Hey have you checked out the new Metallica album Death Magnetic? It is severe and raw and fantastic. From the first track "That Was Just Your Life", you are engrossed in the heavy, fast guttural and melodic metal grooves of the best the East Coast has to offer! This is just my opinion yes, but if you're even curious about this album and you like the genre a tiny little bit, this album will sway you. Just get it. Wal-Mart has it for under ten dollars with tax. Take the chance, and just dig it.
Also, try to listen to the cd itself instead of importing it into Itunes immediately, here's why: The cd is recorded at the best levels possible so you, the audience/ fan can hear the music in its entirety. Itunes must change the format of the digital mapping of the music in order to change it to an mp3.
Since I've had my Ipod, I always thought the tunes I played sounded less dramatic. They didn't have the depth that my ears remembered when I used to use my portable cd player. When I found out about the truth of mp3s I felt validated.
So many of you may be saying "yeah, who didn't know that?". I didn't know that, and maybe there are other people who didn't either.
So, maybe the Cd world is may survive. Make sure people know this. I miss the days of putting in a whole cd, and listening to it from beginning to the end. I did do that with Death Magnetic. I listened to the Cd in my Sony mega bass porable cd player. It was the fury and fire I had missed. Deep bass chords and ripping guitar riffs taking me to another place.
I only wrote about this because music (like movies) touches so many people's lives. And I wanted to just say, "hey did you know...".
So maybe take a bit of time. Get glass of wine, or coffee and sit back with a Cd and enjoy. There's nothing like a Friday, with a good Cd to listen to.
Let your imagination fly. It's so good for you.
Take Care,

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to...

To My wonderful sister Chrissy. She's smart, sweet, kind and beautiful. I hope she enjoys her special day.

Love you sis.


Another Day....

Another day another dollar. Well actually, you may have to work more than a day to make that dollar. I've read that we are doing almost as well as Americans were during the great depression, considering the time and where we're at. Money is the goal of most Americans, and most people on the planet. It's unfortunate that we have diminished living human life to the cost of luxury.
I am not judging, because I love going to the movies, and going out to dinner...and I need my air conditioning. There is just something so upsetting about needing money and not having enough.
Anyone reading this will get angry or want to give there point of view. I know this, the people whom make a lot of money (that I know) want to make more and more of it. We want to justify our hard work and short lives with great experiences and cool things.
Well I say go for it. If you work hard and make a decent living; enjoy the green paper fruits of your labor. Life is short and when ever I converse with a person of experience (and elderly) they always talk about the things they haven't done.
Take the bull by the horns and drag your heels in the dirt. The scratches and bruises will be worth it.
Whatever it is you want to do, go and do it. Don't hurt anyone or yourself for that matter, but go out there and do it. Dance, shout, play and laugh. It heals the soul. Make your goals high and your life simple.
You are great, I believe this! Love life. It's all for you.
Have a great time! Love your-self! Go and get it! Yeeehaw!

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Day

Hey Peeps! It's a new day and another weekend. That should inspire you if you work a conventional job (5 days a week).
I didn't mention yesterday that is was the 11th of September, and I am sorry. I don't want to focus on what happened and let those people drag down our way of life. Yes, America may not be prefect but it's home for many of us, and that day was a sad occurrence in our history.
Today is a new day, and a Friday is a great day to refresh oneself.
The new Metallica album comes out today and I'm looking forward to it. Death Magnetic is the title. It's true in a way. Death is always on it's way. No matter your position in life. It reminds me to enjoy it as much as I can.
Do what makes you happy. Follow your bliss. Laugh at everything, and spend time with those you love and appreciate.
I'll write more when I can. Hope to hear from you in the great abyss when ever you have the time.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Well here goes nothing!

So, here it goes. I've heard about these things for a few years now, and I was I don't get it. Why blog, when there's email? Why blog, when there's cell phones, and texting and bars (to drink at)?
It is so "we" can have a voice? I'm not exactly sure. I do know that there are a lot of these things and I really never read or write to any of them. So, I'm certain mine will also fall into the black hole of over stimulation.

I wasn't even sure what to call this stupid thing. So, I just really thought, "who Cares?" I felt it was negative. So, I left off the question mark to leave it open so the title can have dual meaning. I'm hoping there will be lots and lots of opinions and points of view. In a few months, it will need more and more band with (I'm not even sure what that means).

So welcome to you, whom ever you may be, to a place to blog, and shout and say, what about me!

But really, Who Cares?