Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bad Money

The economy is in bad shape and we need to hold on tight to reach land in this ocean of dreariness. Things will work out and there will be light at the end of this tunnel.
My life has been affected by this down ward spiral and I'm pulling the rip cord before I hit the ground. I'm not panicking, just bracing for the hit.
Often when you think of a depression your memories may flash to black and white photographs of people who had nothing and survived by helping family and friends. Lighting fires in garbage cans and begging for a penny on the street to get a slice of bread, or a match to light the garbage can fire.
I don't suspect that things will get that bad. I hope not. I took a walk on my lunch break yesterday and my mind was lost to day dreaming. I imagined what would happen if there was suddenly a news bulletin, "U.S. currency is worthless.."? I'm not sure of the circumstances to bring this to fruition, however, I wondered what hell would that bring? Would every company go out of business? Would rioting in the streets start instantaneously? Would schools be overwhelmed as parents tore their children out to ensure their family's survival? Would police departments crumble? Would the government?
Would those with guns in their homes now make the rules? Would that be the end?
I'd like to believe that our friends over seas would lend a hand. Or would the United States of America just become the latest item up for bid?
That is what I thought of as I took my walk. It sent shivers up my spine.
I also watch a lot of movies and I love drama, so I'll see the credits roll in my "mind reel" and let that night mare end peacefully.
With the bail out in effect and a new President in office, I can only be optimistic and hope everything will turn out great in the end.
It's going to take time. Many have said it will get worse before it gets better.
Well, we'll see if all those animated specials really sank in about family being the most important part of the holidays.
It's going to be a simple Christmas for me and my family.
Good luck to any one reading this who was also affected by the economic orphanage fire that's happening.
My heart is with you, for my heart is all I can afford to give.
Be well. Stay safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they laid off twenty people at my job last week (this is not a big company). Its a bit hairy.

You're wondering about the US dollar suddenly being worthless reminds of something I remember being told back in high school. As the Third Reich was falling during WW II their money had become pretty much worthless. The price of a candy bar was thousands of Nazi printed dollars. Bartering became the preferred way of business.