Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Injection of Purity

O.k. well, it's been a while since I've opened my mouth, or my key board, and it's time. I'm stealing a moment out of my busy day to spew shit. I don't care about the politically correct crap anymore....I'm using curse words to emphasize my unhappiness. I'm not going to be vulgar, but I am not going to worry if I am perceived as a low brow. Heheh.
We have the inauguration of Obama. It's done, let's move on. No one expects him to make things perfect, because none of us have direct experience with working in government, however just try to get something organized at your job. I was a teacher for 5 years and just to choose a place to have the end of year party was like rearranging the socioeconomic foundations of Bulgaria. Who f-ing cares? Just eat your meatballs and chicken franchese and shut your mouths. (love you all)
There is no one way to make things better in this country and Bush did what he could, ebedeeebedee (Porky Pig stuttering) - which was nothing really. Clinton got a hummer and messed up the mortgages because the loan companies were greedy mother-f-ers that didn't care about the outcome. Nice job Bill.
It's all just greed. That's the bottom line people. It's not enough in this country to make millions of dollars, but we need to make more and more and more. Yeah , the government rapes us openly, but we're free. Right? Go do something free today- baaaaaaaaaaaa- sheep. That's it. I am too. I love it. Just give me my wife & son, family & friends, shelter, movies and time to draw and I am the richest man on earth. Well, that is if my pregnant wife keeps working. (Love you honey, and thank you).
America is headed toward being a third world country because of the desire to have more than we need. I'm not saying that people that work hard shouldn't have cool stuff to take the edge off, but look at where we are. In a pile of poop and we've been given a knife, fork and napkin and freedom.
We pay for everything is this country, so don't think for a second that you're free. I'm not a liberal, or a democrat, or a republican, or progressive - I'm a human being who lives here, and it's getting to me. No one should be free if we have to bail out the money hungry demons that went after the bottom line so ferociously, that they need "our" help. Are you mother-f-ing-kidding me?
If Clinton messed up, o.k. he did...Bush could've changed it. If Obama can't fix it (it's going to take decades people....not a year or three) then he can step aside too. Who messed up before Clinton - more Bush. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm sick of Bush. And Clinton wasn't man enough to resist an ugly little plump intern. Pathetic - even if he was just a truck driver.
Who was before Old Bush..? We can go back as far as we want... it's all still chicken soup no matter how you spice it. It'll basically tastes the same.
The human condition is just dumb. We're animals that think they are superior because we can "make choices" and we have organized religion. Well, when that garbage takes over your life and it makes you hate people and hurt people, it's trash, throw it out. I don't care what the organized thing is...if it evolves to where your fellow human is being hurt by it, IT IS WORTH NOTHING.
Don't give me that civilization is created because of survival needs and the evolving "higher" primate awareness of it's self. Mooooo-shit! It's fodder. And you know it.
If you've read this far, then you really are something special, because I would have stopped after the first sentence, but that's just because I have no attention span, and I am too dumb to understand politics. I may have read further because I wanted to see what else was going to be said. So for the interested free human reading this far.....here you go.
That Angelina look alike c-word who has the fourteen kids: Take her by the legs, and take the legs of the doctor who gave her the hormones and smash their heads together. What ever bloody goop that is left on the floor is still higher in intelligence than she is or the doctor. She is a criminal, and so is he. Yeah yeah - you're feeling bad for her? Don't. She is sick and she is stealing from the hard working civilians in this country. She is an abomination, and must be stopped. She is like a mini-Binladen! Take a look at her on youtube. She has had injections in her ugly lips and her ugly nose was shrunken to look like an ugly Angelina Jolie. Her mother is now burdened with this God Damned tragedy. I'm having a kid this year - the only good thing in my life next to my wife and my family (both sides). I've been laid off and my wife works while she is pregnant. I am a canyon full of anxiety because I want to make sure my son has a decent life. This mother (f---er) of fourteen is a child abusing cretin. She is what is wrong with this country (among other things). They aren't pets, they aren't toys - they are human beings who are going to grow up believing that this is an acceptable and appropriate behavior and life culture. It is not. Period. Oh and for the record I HATE the Duggans (a family with 18 kids and counting - on cable) and I'm not too thrilled with John and Kate plus eight (who had beautiful twin girls and took hormones and had six-tuplets - I spelled it purposely that way so relax). John and Kate are very Christian too - well if you couldn't get pregnant maybe God didn't want you to you assholes!
Yeah - that's normal. That's good for an over populated earth. No worries, I'm sure there'll be another war coming soon and the population will thin out again. Or a disease will be tested by being released into the general population to see it's effects. Yay!
If you have no children and want some, then yes do what you have to, but when you have children, and they are not cared for sufficiently, you strip society. I saw a woman on Super Nanny who had ten kids and it was her dream to have twleve. The ten she had were in turmoil, hence being on Super Nanny, or is it Nanny 911, the show with the British chick with the glasses. It's on channel - 7.
The reason big families existed decades ago (I mean long ago, not in the 80's knuckle head) was because child labor was needed to keep the family going, and also because out of ten kids a third usually DIED. So you had to push out puppies to beat the death curve.
Oh and I don't think they're cute either. They're people....who you think will grow up feeling special because tv cameras are in their faces, and they're not (special that is).
O.k. then I saw: On the cover of a New York news paper it said A-hole. A-rod who is Alex Rodriguez admitted or it was found that he took steroids to perform better at his job. Um, who f-ing gives a shit!? Um, don't they sell Viagra, Cealis and Levitra so we can perform in the bedroom? And most of us don't get paid for that. Doesn't coffee affect how we produce in a lame job in front of a computer? And we aren't being filmed or doing our expected job in front of tens of thousands of people (at the stadium and on tv), usually millions?
What about sugar? We consume this stuff because o.k., yeah it tastes good, but we know that is makes us sharper, or helps us with our creativity. Even if it's "organic" (pussy's - I do it too, relax -heehee).
We even go in the opposite direction when we are at a party, we (not everyone of course captain defensive - generally speaking) use alcohol to relax us in social situations, and to be more relaxed after a long day of life?
So put every one of those baseball players into that hall of fame, or I'll bite your knee caps so bad, you'll weep like a hungry infant. Beause those guys were doing their job, and making gobs of cash doing it. There is no honor in a capitalist society. And let Pete Rose in. He gambled on baseball. Against his team, o.k. Who cares? He was making money and that's they name of the game. And it's baseball. If your kid, or any kid becomes a drop out, or criminal because Pete Rose gambled, or A-rod took performance enhancing drugs, it just means you failed as a parent. That's all. IT's you're kid, it's your responsibility. That's it. No debate, no discussion. (Think about it). Oh yeah and leave Roger Clemens alone too.. he was just doing his job, and I HATE Clemens. Like if his plane went down, I would laugh. Yes, evil comes in all shapes and sizes and the Emperor (from Star Wars) was right, it feels good. >:)
Anything else. Oh yeah - Madonna you're a grandma. Stop it! You vein-y armed, she-male. You are not cool. You are an ugly witch who was never a good role model for young girls. She shook her tits and ass to get ahead in the world. Is that what you want your daughter to imitate? For the flip-side of that I hate Mylee Syrus too, or whatever her name is? She is terrifying, with big Muppet eyes. She has a flat face like an orangutan. But BIG EYES like one of those digitally manipulated faces for magazine ads, or in a tv commercial.
Angelina Jolie is not a role model either. What is the message she's projecting? Be gorgeous (if you think she is, I'm more of a Salma Hayek guy). Then be famous. Then be rich out' the ass! Then kiss your brother on the lips at the Oscars, and then, marry an old guy who made one good movie (Sling Blade). Then make a good looking idiot LEAVE HIS WIFE to marry you. Then adopt brown kids from different parts of the world where they have no money. You are a weirdo Angelina and I'm glad I'm having a boy you freaky big lipped gargoyle!
Michael Jackson has white kids, maybe that's the balance. Who knows, who cares?
I guess I do because I'm tired of it. I should be doing something productive, and maybe I am. We'll see.
I love exclaiming "you are the ball lickers..." from the film Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. And yes, you are the ball lickers.. haha. I'm just the asshole inches away from the licking. Ugh! So, don't bring me the self righteous nose lifting and don't give me the street talk. This is the way it is, from one person's perspective.
Inject yourself A-rod. Complain if you don't like Obama. Do IT! Hold tightly onto your jobs, how ever long you'll have it, who knows, and who cares? Just don't try to inject purity into the world of a species who still hasn't reached the next level of evolution yet.
"Im a humanist..." Al Pacino as Satan in The Devil's Advocate


Ravon said...

say what you need to say.

Anonymous said...

Wow >D

Also... Salma Hayek is far superior and I love her on 30Rock.